e-Tick Tools Notifications

Home Knowledge Base e-Tick Tools Notifications
How to receive the e-TickTools Notifications
  1. Install the mcm notifications App on your mobile phone Search  " mcm notifications " at the App Store
    • Download & Install the Application
    • "Allow" Notifications after the download
    • If you don't want to receive alerts: Go to Settings & "check" the Check-Box

  2. Configure your Notification Settings at mcm-ct.com
    Log in at https://mcm-ct.com/wp-login.php
    Click on the navigation bar:
    "My Account" 

    Notification Settings:


    "Save" in case you applied changes

    1. TYPE: " √ " Select & Save "Push" for every CHANNEL/alert you want to receive - otherwise, you will not receive any notification.
    2. HOURS: Apply & Save the HOURS you want to receive your selected alerts - otherwise, you receive your selected alerts 24 hours. You can delete a time by selecting & delete.
    3. If you would like to receive only filtered messages: INCLUDE NOTIFICATIONS STRING - otherwise, you will receive all messages.
      • Include for example ' 60 minute ' and you are receiving only notifications with ' 60 minute ' in the text content.
      • Include multiple terms separated with a comma: ' 60 minute, 135 minute '. You can add any amount of terms separated with the comma.
      • Check if you receive only the filtered messages. Make sure that the text you include is the same as the Notification text.
    4. You can find the ALERTS HISTORY at the following link